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Event Series Scentwork 2 w/Jamie Smith

Scentwork 2 w/ Jaymie C

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Tuesdays 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Pre-Requisite: Your dog must have completed Scentwork 1 to enroll in this class. Intermediate scentwork skills like scent discrimination, competition practice, more difficult scentwork […]

Event Series Treibball Intermediate w/Denise

Treibball Advanced w/Denise

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Wednesdays 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Pre-Requisite: Your dog must have completed Treibball Intermediate to enroll in this class. Continue building teamwork, communication and confidence with you and your dog.

Treibball Intermediate w/Denise

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Wednesday 6:30pm-7:30pm Pre-Requisite: Your dog must have completed Treibball 1 to enroll in this class. Intermediate Treibball to continue building teamwork, communication and confidence with you and your dog.

Event Series Agility Novice w/Tabitha

Agility Novice w/Jaz

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Pre-Requisite: Your dog has completed at least 6 weeks of beginner agility and is able to work off leash. Dogs/Handler teams are working off […]

Impulse Control w/Deb

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Fridays 11:00am For dogs struggling with impulse control in daily life. Working on the ability to focus and listen around various distractions. Boundary training , door manners, polite greetings.

Therapy Dog & Tasks Offsite Locations w/ Jaymie

Varying Outdoor Locations

Friday 3:30pm-4:30pm Offsite Locations will vary Pre-Requisite: Your dog must have good basic obedience skill, especially walking nicely on leash and stay. Get dogs CGC qualified in this class. Therapy […]

Scentwork 1 w/ Denise

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Fridays 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Pre-Requisite: Your dog must have good basic obedience skill, especially walking nicely on leash and stay. The activity and sport of scentwork is designed […]

Event Series Agility Novice w/Mary

Agility Novice w/Kim

Main Facility - Paradise Valley 12639 N. 48th St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

Saturdays 10:00 am - 11:00 am Pre-Requisite: Your dog has completed at least 6 weeks of beginner agility and is able to work off leash. Dogs/Handler teams are working off […]