Here are 4 Fun Dog Facts
They might be totally useless for some people but are just fun to know! Even if you don’t like dogs, you might want to store these in your brain for that trivia game night!
Number of Dogs Worldwide
Around 525 million. At 75.8 million, the U.S. has the highest dog population in the world. France has the second highest with 8.8 million.
Canine Reproduction Rate
One female dog and her offspring could produce 67,000 puppies in 6 years.
Number Of Words Dogs Can Remember
Somewhere between 150 and 200. A few dogs have super-canine abilities in this area, though. One collie is known to have learned over 1,000 words.
Size Differential in Canines
Dogs can vary in size from a 150 lb. Great Dane to a 2 lb. Chihuahua.
Sources: MSPCA Angell, Dr. Stanley Coren, The World Health Organization